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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCSU chapter.

At the age of 20 I’m going through something similar to a midlife crisis which I call “My Millennial Crisis.” It includes many different  “I didn’t do everything I wanted to” thoughts and all the regrets of my past years. There are so many things at my young age that I haven’t done yet and so many things I wish I had done differently.

  • Actually saved money
  • Went away for college
  • Not getting hung up on relationships during my teenage years
  • Spent more time with loved ones
  • Spent less time doing things that didn’t matter
  • Finding a hobby and actually sticking with it
  • Had more teenage adventures
  • Smiled and laughed more
  • Cried less
  • Did better in high school
  • Quit that job that I hated and found a job I actually enjoyed

I see this as a wakeup call. When I really look at it I am still only 20, many will argue that I barely made a dent in my life. So instead of waiting to live my life, and having a ton of things I wish I did or didn’t do at age 50, I can live my life to the fullest now. You are the author of your own novel and it is up to you to make it a best seller. Life is full of lessons and I always believe it is better to learn those lessons early rather than later.

As the lyrics in OneRepublic’s ‘I Lived’ say, “Hope when the moment comes, you’ll say I did it all.” Live your life to the fullest. Say yes to adventure. Smile more. Laugh more. Find what you love and be great at it. The world has so much to offer so go after it all!

Junior at Southern Connecticut State University. Majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in finance.