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6 Signs You’re The Oldest Sibling

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCSU chapter.

Although being the oldest of your brothers and/or sisters is awesome because you get to try out all the fun stuff before they do, there are some crazy responsiblities attached to the title. 

1. You are expected to be kind and mature

No matter what your younger siblings did to you, if you are not 5 years old anymore you are expected to be the one to make the first move towards problem resolution. 

2. Your younger siblings get everything before you did 

Remember when you were 9 and you really wanted the Motorola Razr but you just never got it because your parents said you were “too young for a phone”? And now, in 2016, your youngest sibling has an iPhone.

3. You have to drive your younger siblings places

Sure you aren’t driving them everywhere but since you can get places on your own now your parents are pretty pumped about the fact that they aren’t the only ones in the house who can drive.

4. You do everything first

You are the first to go to school, to get homework, to get involved in clubs and other activities. Eventually you are the first to go to high school, college, you graduate, you begin your career. Where is the time going?! Why are your siblings still so young?! How is this any fair?!

5. You have to be strong

Since you have experienced many things before your younger siblings, they will obviously look to you for advice. Although you want to be completely real with them about certain things, you don’t want to terrify them. Therefore you feel that you must tell them the truth but prove to them that even during the toughest times they will conquer their challenges.

6. You are seriously over protective

You do all kinds of things and know you’ll be fine, but when your younger siblings do anything solo, or remotely adventurous you feel an urge to protect them. Because, hello, they are only a child…at least in your eyes.

Although being older has its advantages, it can be pretty daunting to have to be the one to take the first steps towards most new things. Although your parents give you heartfelt advice you do not have someone, like an older sibling, to help and guide you with their sibling advice.

But at the end of the day you’re always there for your younger siblings because obviously, you’re the pro.


GIF: 1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7

SCSU Campus Correspondant. Communication major, journalism minor.