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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

On October 12th, I turned 20. I did a full birthday article, but I didn’t talk about the thing I can seem to shut up about – astrology. In honor of Libra season and HC Scranton’s Fall Week. Here are five traits that most libras have.


Libras are notoriously indecisive. This is one of the traits I identify with the most – thank you to my friends for your constant patience. We’re always over thinking. Whether it’s a major life decision or our order at chick fil-a – it’s a struggle.


Libras are very understanding. We tend to be very thoughtful and go out of our way to accomodate everyone. We are people pleasers. That’s a gift and a curse. Because of this we often sacrifice our own happiness in the process.

Diplomatic & Charming

Libras are always striving for smooth sailing in conversation, work, and relationships. We tend to be charming and very sociable – one con of that is we hate to be alone. However, because of our diplomacy we often go out of our way to accomodate people. Basically, all world leaders should be libras. 

Love Beautiful Things

Libras love aesthetically pretty things. We tend to be great decorators, and love all things DIY. We tend to be great organizers. This is true of myself and my other libra friends.

Good Listeners 

Air signs love information, news and education. They soak up the world around them like a sponge. Libras are no exception. We love knowing things. We also are fair and value harmony. We tend to end up being the mediators for our friends. I’m half my friends personal therapist because I’m always there to listen.



Carly Long

Scranton '22

Carly is a senior studying Strategic Communications with a concentration in Legal Studies at The University of Scranton. This is her third year as CC at HC Scranton, which she hopes to continue to elevate. In her free time Carly can be found writing, working out, or buying new products to feed her skincare addiction.