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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

It’s a typical Monday morning. I wake up and go to my first class of the day at 10am. It’s history. One of those typical classes every college student has to find the time to take just so they can graduate.

10:50am rolls around. I take a minute to realize as far as history goes, the class was not really that bad. It actually was kind of interesting. I can’t take too long to pack up my things because I have to get to my next class at 11am.

I get there, talk to some classmates, and sit through a lecture on accounting analytics. The class ends at 11:50am and once I realize that my stomach is getting just a bit hungry, I have to bolt to the admissions building because I am a tour guide and have a shift from 12:15pm-1:15pm. The shift ends… finally time for lunch! I hurry over to get one of our grab-and-go options on campus and quickly eat enough food to satisfy my growing hunger. Depending on if I get food with friends or on my own, I may just have a half hour of time to myself. Today, I got lunch with my roommates.

It’s 2:15pm and now I have to scurry over to my honors meeting with one of my favorite professors. We’re working on my research project. I’m currently creating a survey to send out to students to help determine if accounting students experience higher levels of imposter syndrome than other business majors. Pretty cool right?

I usually work and chat with her for an hour and an hour or two. We work until I realize that I need some time to relax in my room before I have her class in the same building at 6pm.

I get back to my room and my boyfriend facetimes me. He wants to know if I can come over and hang out with him before class. If I have the energy sometimes, I can stop by. But on this day, I told him, “No, I can’t.” I knew I needed some time to watch Netflix and lay in bed for just a little. So, I do. I turn on an episode from the new Season 4 of YOU.

I hear my roommates come in, they are talking and laughing. They are trying to decide what to do for dinner. They knock on my door and ask if I want to join. It is 5pm at this point.

Sometimes if I am hungry, I will eat before class. But today, I know I need my time. I reply, “No, I’m just going to relax a bit before my class. Thanks for asking though.”

I listen as their feet shuffle out of the apartment and the main door to the apartment closes. I start to feel guilty. I only saw them around lunchtime. Should I be spending more time with them? I take a deep breathe and center myself. It’s been a long day and I still have more to go. The episode finishes just in time for me to walk to my 6pm class.

While it is a night class, I like the content and professor so time flies by pretty fast. It’s now 7:15pm and I still haven’t gotten dinner so once again, I rush to get one of the grab-and-go options.

I can’t take too long because I have a Her Campus meeting at 8pm. Finally, something fun and enjoyable. I get to see the bright, smiling faces of some of the girls that I enjoy seeing around campus the most. Our meeting finishes and I am free to go back to my apartment for the night. Probably. There is the chance I could have RA duty or need to go to the library and do homework. But tonight, I just go back. I take a nice, hot shower and find ways to relax whether that is with my roommates, boyfriend, or myself.

I am drained and need to recover for the days ahead.

If you are someone like me who has a very busy schedule and is very involved within your campus community, it is important to understand that life is a balance. If you are busy with academics and activities on a certain day, you may have to make some more time for yourself rather than drain yourself more by hanging out with others. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with other people. In fact, for most of my life I have considered myself an extrovert. But even extroverts need time to themselves to recharge.

So please if you are reading this, take time for yourself! It is okay to say, “No sorry I can’t right now.” You have to do what is best for you and will allow you to keep going day after day.

Accounting major with interests in traveling, music, shopping and movies! Recently been getting into zodiac signs and am always open to learning about or trying new things :)