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How to Get Ahead on Finals?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

How to get ahead on finals? That question comes to me every end of a semester. My goal is always to sstart tudying two weeks in advance to do well on my finals. Does that always happen? No. But I do find that some of these tips can help to get ahead or at least prepared for finals best.

Tip #1: Finish all papers, projects, etc. before the last week of classes.

You do not want to leave all this extra stuff that doesn’t relate to studying to the last week. Then you must study and work on things that are still due. It does not help you focus on just studying for finals.

Tip #2: Make study guides.

I understand that every class is differently and studying for one class may be different than how to study for another class. But making an outline of the material you need to know will help in any class you are studying for. It keeps you organized and productive.

Tip #3: Take breaks and laugh.

Yes, I know all you can probably think about right now is studying, studying, studying, and studying some more. But it is very important that you realize these tests do not define who you are as a person and therefore you need to take breaks and enjoy some time with friends before your break.

Tip #4: Ask for help.

When you don’t understand something, do not give up. There is most definitely someone somewhere that knows how to solve a problem or how to explain a topic to you. Find them and ask for their help. It can be a cousin, sibling, old high school teacher, friend, or tutor.

Tip #5: Make a time schedule.

It is important to balance your studying for all your classes. I am sure just like me you have five or six finals, and you have no idea how to budget time. Write out a calendar of when your finals are. Then determine which ones you know the material for and which ones you need to study more. Make a time schedule and follow it.

I am no expert on preparing for finals, but these are some things that I do that help me do well on my finals. It is important to make sure that you go into finals week as stress free as possible and ready for your exams.

Hi I am a sophomore at the University of Scranton.