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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

With finals week rapidly approaching, deadlines are also coming. It is important to keep a level head through this stressful time and might even be time to learn to develop tactics to tackling your heavy workload to come. Here’s some tips to avoid the burnout. 


1. Have Three Achievable Goals a Day

Having a laundry list of things to do every day is super unrealistic, and you just end up feeling bad about yourself because you didn’t accomplish your goals for the day. Instead, create a smaller to-do list that is much easier to tackle.

2. Leave Your Sundays Open

I love Sundays because they’re my day to chill out and catch up on school work that I wasn’t able to accomplish during the week. Do not leave all your work for this one day, however, because it will no longer be a chill day. It will be a very, very stressful day.  

3. Recognize When You’re at Your Emotional Limits

Forcing yourself to get work done when you are unable to comprehend your study material does not benefit you at all. Even forcing yourself to get work done when you are not in the emotional state, simply for the sake of getting it done, will also not benefit you.  

4. Take Care of Yourself Physically

Take breaks, go for walks, shower regularly, get enough sleep, eat healthy and spend time with your friends. Remaining balanced is key.


5. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Go out to eat with friends after a big exam, indulge in a night out after a busy week and take time to relax while watching some Netflix and sipping some wine.

6. Make a Study Plan Beforehand

It can be daunting to see how much work you need to put into a class or task ahead of time, but this allows you to spread your work evenly so you are not feeling overwhelmed at any point.  

7. Learn How to Ask for Help

It is very rare that people make it through school without needing the advice of others, or even just a kind soul to vent to. Find that person.  

8. Log Off From Time to Time

It is exhausting to be constantly connected to social media. Just disconnecting from these for a night to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally can really help clear your mind and put you in the right state to focus on important tasks to come.


Kassaundra Thiel is an avid coffee drinker and fashion fanatic attending the University of Scranton seeking a degree in Biochemistry, with a minor in Philosophy. 
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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

My whole biography realistically can't fit here so