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16 Ways You Know You Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Running

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

I don’t know about you, but I despise running, yet I still do it. I’ve come a long way from my middle school soccer asthma attack days. Now, I run at least five days a week. Heck, today I ran 10 miles and next week I’ll be running a half marathon. I love running, I hate running, and sometimes I even love to hate it. Whatever your current relationship status is with running, I am sure you’ll be able to relate to some of these: 

1. The classic eh ill run later is a thought that wins way too much.2. Then, because you confirmed eh ill run later WILL DEFINITELY happen, you decide you’ll join your friends for a Chipotle date.3. …. Four hours later you’re squeezing your tummy from a sour cream- guacamole-black bean over load. Eh ill run later officially becomes eh ill run tomorrow.4. Updating your iPod running playlist becomes a weekly chore. You need bumpin’ tunes to get you through that very last mile.5. You cannot control your excitement when you have the opportunity to run at a new destination. A pretty landscape is key to successful runs.6. You’ve probably determined that finding a good running app to use is a lot like dating. You lose some, you win some, you’ll betray the one you love and find a new soul mate (running app).7. Running is cheaper than therapy right!?8. Buying new gear is your second Christmas. Ooh, how about a purple pair of Nike’s, plus a running band for my iPhone, don’t forget that $27 Lulu Lemon headband and lastly some dry fit socks. Cha-ching.9. It is guaranteed you’ll get one of these: shin splits, blisters, cramps from not drinking water or cramps from drinking too much water.10. You often use the weather as either your excuse or your motivation. Awe shucks, I guess Mother Nature made it snow so I didn’t have to run today, versus It is so beautiful today; I must take advantage of this and run!11. “Slow and steady wins the race,” is your long distance running motto.12. You can thank running for filling your calendar: Color Run in May, Family Fun 5k in August and a half in October.13. Just like a drug, you consider yourself to have a running addiction. Some days you’ll run just to make yourself feel whole. Running takes you through your depressing lows and incredible highs.  14. You know running will be there through thick and thin. From a breakup to burning off thanksgiving dinner, you’ll always be able to rely on running.15. You constantly make plans with other lovers and haters of running. This ensures that you’ll be running and you absolutely have no ands, ifs, or buts to back out.16. Lastly, you know running is not pretty… it is chaotic and an ever evolving journey. You will forever have hopes of your love- hate relationship budding into pure love. 

Hailing from New Jersey, Donna is just as loving as her last name portrays her to be. She is a senior at the University of Scranton majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Entrepreneurship. She is positive that the song "Rather Be" was written about her past semester studying abroad in Australia. Donna lives for the dance floor, her three dogs and frozen yogurt. If you see her without her signature pearl earrings, just please, offer a sister some lovin. Follow her on Instagram @d0nzette & Twitter @DAmore55 !
Samantha is an East Coast girl from Pennsylvania with a New York City attitude and a Florida mindset. Her shopping habits are contagious; she has inherited them from her mom (they say mother knows best, right?). Samantha is a University of Scranton senior majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Business. She is the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Scranton, which she co-founded in September 2014 with her best friend, Elise. She is also the captain for Scranton Love Your Melon and secretary of the University of Scranton's Business Club. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @samanthaamilazzo @samanthaliza_