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The five stages of SCAD finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

1. Superman/woman – The first stage is simple, you really feel nothing except that you can conquer anything. Sure you have five finals due in two weeks, because we all have that one professor who likes to add a second final or an extra credit opportunity you need in order to get that grade up, but you can do it. You’re an art student and your finals are going to be creative! You are superman/woman.

2. Realization – This is the stage where you finally sit down, relaxed and writing out what you need to do, either literally writing it down or mentally. And you can stop thinking of things that need to get done before the end of the quarter… The superman/woman exterior is cracking and the panicked college student is hyperventilating.  

3. Panic – Everything is moving 1,000 miles per hour and you don’t know which way to turn. Guarantied you will cry, on the inside, outside, or both. How are you going to get everything done in time and make it look amazing? You also have that thought in the back of your mind that your family is spending a crazy amount of money… Sorry am I making your stress level climb?

4. Numbness – Ah the numbness, my favorite stage. You feel nothing. It’s almost like the panic has reached such a high that you can’t feel the window of time getting smaller and smaller by the minute. You just go on with time and look forward to the end of the quarter.

5. Relief – Your finals are done and turned in, there is a 90% chance that you don’t like how they turned out or they didn’t turn out the way you thought they would. But the important thing is they’re done. You can relax and look forward to starting this process all over again. Welcome to SCAD