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The Diary of a Girl’s Life Hacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

We see on the internet all the time the words “Life-Hack.” The act of a “Life-hack” is simple: providing efficient and easy ways to organize, prioritize and simplify our daily life struggles. However, did you ever wonder about us girls? Sure, there is the day-to-day “life-Hacks” that every-one knows such as rolling up your shirts to add more room in the dresser drawer or getting arts & crafts bins to organize snacks in the kitchen. Girls on the other hand, have created their own set of “Life-Hacks” that are as basic as knowing the girl code rules like don’t seal your friend’s man or no drunk texting the ex.

Ever wonder what happens to the back of your earing? I know I do. It could be in the couch, behind your bed pillow or even in your shower drain, you just don’t know. So what do you do? Go buy some easers ladies because we are about to cut them down and plop them on the backs of our earrings! This approach can be used anywhere and works just fine until you can find that missing back or finally get off the couch, stopping watching Grey’s Anatomy and head to Claire’s for a packet of newearing backs.

Let’s move on to something that takes up a lot of space: scarves. If you live in an area where it’s cold enough to have one, then you know you have ten because every girl needs one in every color so she always has something to match that nice new jacket and jeans. So with this surplus of scarves, where do you put them? Simple, if you don’t have a coat rack, just grab a hanger! You can loop about four to five on a single hanger and push it right into your closet. Now, whenever you want to go out, you don’t have to fiddle around trying to find that pretty blue scarf you got last week. Just reach into the closet, grab out that hanger of scarves and there it is, simple as that.

How about this one: ever wonder how to stop that painful and itching chaffing in between your legs in the hot weather months? Not all girls have thigh gaps, in fact most of us don’t and that rubbing between our thighs can really begin to ache when it’s humid out. So what do we do: just put a bit of babypowder on your inner thighs before going out of the house. The powder is dry and helps reduce the humid rubbing that is created when it’s hot and muggy out. Although it isn’t an all-day fix, it can last you a couple of hours.

Anyone surprised by these tips, or maybe you already knew some or all. I only gave you three but the list for girl-oriented “life-Hacks” goes on for miles! These essentials tips aren’t hard to find on the internet or through word-of-mouth so next time you’re in a fix ladies, just look up some “life-hacks” on your feminine issue and you will probably find the perfect, cheap and easy solution in no time!

Hi All! My name is Kayla, I am a Sophomore at SCAD, studying Dramatic Writing and Creative Writing.