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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

Advice to Incoming SCAD Savannah Freshmen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

With the quarter coming to an end, SCAD students are taking time to reflect on an amazing year in Savannah, GA (when they’re not stressing about finals). The Freshmen Class has just completed their first year of college. During this year, they have learned all of the ins and out of SCAD. If you’re an incoming student, this video is for you.

Freshman illustration major at the SCAD Savannah Campus. I like cats, chicken alfredo, and being happy. kelliehilton.com
Hello! My name is Angela Kastrunes. I am a senior Fashion Marketing and Management student at SCAD. I am the founder/CC for Her Campus-SCAD. Our chapter has grown so much over the past 3 years. I'm excited to say we have expanded to the Atlanta campus, and now have over 20 members combined. It's very bittersweet to realize this is my last year, working as a CC for HC. After graduation I hope to either work in social media management, PR for a fashion brand/music label, or as an editor of a fashion magazine (or Her Campus Nationals).