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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD ATL chapter.

Every woman at one point in their life comes encounter with a fuckboy. Sometimes once or way too many times to keep count. I have been one of those women who has continued to interact with one after I knew he was not right for me. With cuffing season still in progress, the tendency to be drawn to these type of guys is more heightened and is harder to let them go. We all want someone to get snowed in or spend Valentine’s Day with. Nevertheless, fuckboys are not and will not ever be good for you, no matter how fine they are.

Here are a couple of tips to help you stop stray away from the fuckboys before you get too attached and caught up in their web.

Stop ignoring red flags

In the early stages of getting to know someone, women often choose to ignore red flags due to a strong attraction or undeniable chemistry. This is where women mess up. We become desperate for attention from the opposite sex and will take whatever dosage of them, even if they are not who we are looking for. The more you choose to ignore red flags, the more likely you will be in a screwed-up relationship down the line. Don’t let your heart overrule your head. Pay attention before it’s too late.

Stop giving them so many chances

Everyone deserves a second chance. Maybe even a third or a fourth. But by the fifth or sixth time, you have to wonder, “Why am I giving him so many chances?” If he has not proven to you that he has really changed, why should you believe him otherwise? Continuing to give him chance after chance when he doesn’t deserve it will only lead to disappointment. Know when enough is enough and move on, girl! You deserve better than what he keeps giving you.

Stop making excuses for him

Unfortunately, women love to make excuses for men and their bad habits. “He’s really stressed out,” “He had a bad last break-up,” “He’s looking for a job,” blah, blah, BLAH. If you are constantly finding yourself defending him to your family and friends, you need to let him go. Face who you are dealing with and put your foot down. Go get you somebody that won’t have you looking foolish.

Stop settling

One of the worst things we do as women is settle. We settle because we would rather have someone we know isn’t right for us than to be alone. Forcing yourself to stay in a situation to avoid being alone is detrimental and damaging to your self-esteem. Nobody is worth taking away something that takes years to build. Do not give an one a discount when you know you are worth full price.

Stop being what a fuckboy wants

The saying, “you are what you attract” could not be truer. You attract fuckboys because deep down you don’t know your self-worth. You have to deem yourself valuable and that you are worthy of being treated like a queen. You must express that you respect yourself, even without saying it, or men will continue to disrespect and walk all over you. When you show that you are not to be toyed with, the bad seeds will stay away. They might even change their tendencies just for you.

Ladies, get you some repellent and keep the fuckboys away! There are seven billion people in the world. Of those seven billion people, there is someone for you who will be able to give you everything and more and treat you the way you deserved to be treated. It may take some time for you to find them but I promise the wait will be worth it.

*In Fabolous’s voice*



Dominique is a 2018 graduate of SCAD Atlanta, where she received her MFA in Writing, and a chapter advisor for Her Campus. She hails from Greensboro, NC and is a proud HBCU grad from the illustrious Winston-Salem State University. When Dominique is not writing, she teaches it. She is all about writers being their authentic selves, even if it makes other people uncomfortable.