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Ways to Care for your Mental Health during Midterms

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

It does not matter how many midterms I take because one thing is always for certain: my mental health struggles. Whether it be from studying too hard, worrying if I passed, or even just a bad day; taking the time to care for mental health is important. 

One of my favorite things to do is go for a walk. Studying for a long period of time may lead you to feeling tired or restless. So, taking a moment to walk outside can make for the perfect escape. If you are a St. Bonaventure student, I highly recommend going on the Allegany trail. The pathway takes you along the outside of campus and into the woods, allowing for the perfect spot to unwind. 

Another way I care for mental health is in the form of journaling. This works especially well if you’re overwhelmed or stressed. You do not need a fancy journal for this to work or even a journal at all, a simple piece of paper will suffice. All you’re doing is writing. It does not have to be about anything deep or secretive. You can write about what you ate for lunch if you’d like. The point of this exercise is to empty your brain. By writing your thoughts down, you’re releasing or letting go. This allows you to continue your day feeling lighter than before.

Like journaling, starting the day with a positive affirmation can be a great way to care for your well-being. Saying affirmations like, “I am strong. I am smart, and I am beautiful” can become excellent ways to start feeling better. Some affirmations I have used related to midterms are, “I will pass this exam. I have studied hard, and I am focused.” 

If you have just finished taking an exam and feel stressed. A great way to combat that stress is hanging out with friends. You can all order takeout from Domino’s while watching the Twilight series or hang out in the dorms listening to music. Go out bowling. No matter what you and your friend group do, it will take your mind off the exam. 

Lastly, have a spa day. Treating yourself to a day where you can pamper in face masks while painting your nails is a sure way to boost mental health and take your mind off exams. Ask a friend or roommate to join, and you’ll be golden. 

Isabel Marzullo is a member of Her Campus SBU chapter. Isabel writes pieces surrounding books, mental health, and food. Isabel is a sophomore journalism student and the Opinion Assignment Editor at the Bona Venture. During Isabel's free time, she enjoys photography, reading, and hiking. Isabel picked up photography while in High School and quickly turned it into a hobby. She can be seen reading anything from romance to thriller. Lastly, Isabel enjoys walking on the Allegheny trail with friends along with long walks when she is at home.