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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

College can be tough sometimes, but it’s important to focus on the small things that can get you through the day.

Recently, I’ve been trying to focus my energy into things that matter: my academics, my sleep and positive people that I have in my life.

Even though some of these things are stressful to maintain and it can be hard to keep a schedule on track, finding little things in your day that make you smile can make all the difference in the world.

passing time between classes

This one may sound very random, but I love walking from class to class sometimes. Having those 10-15 minutes to just listen to music or chat with a friend and have a quick stroll is beautiful. I enjoy having a change of scenery after a boring class, even if it’s just for a little while.

starbucks work sessions

I often find myself struggling to get work done in the library, but when I’m sitting in my school’s Starbucks listening to classical music and doing school work, I feel so motivated and at peace.

a nice beverage

It doesn’t matter how bad the day was, I am fully convinced that a fun drink to carry around and sip as you get stuff done is always a mood booster. Whether it’s an iced coffee, some sort of refresher, an energy drink or just an ice cold water — with chunky, crushed ice of course — it can make a negative day a little bit brighter.

a sunny campus

Punxsutawney Phil said it himself: spring is on its way! As spring approaches us, the sun starts coming out a little more, which, in my opinion, makes the day so much better. Sitting in a sunny area doing homework is always super peaceful and motivating.

finding pretty flowers

Even though I’ve never been a super “girly girl,” I LOVE FLOWERS!!! I genuinely can’t emphasize enough how much I love finding, giving and receiving flowers. When I find small flowers in unsuspected places, I like to put them in a small cup with some water and put them by a window sill. Let’s be honest: who doesn’t love the look of the sun shining through a window with some flowers by it? It just has such a serene and spring vibe to it.

movies with friends

After a long day of classes, tests, and homework, it’s nice to wind down and relax with a few friends. Whether that be watching a new movie or TV show that none of you have seen yet, it can really help calm you down after a rough day.

paintings in the sky

As the sun rises and sets, getting to witness it in person is just such a wonderful experience. Even though I love taking pictures of sunsets, I think of them as “you had to be there” moments that you should cherish in life. And yes, I also believe that these “paintings in the sky” come from loved ones who may have passed away. It makes me feel as if they are looking down at me on tough days and it helps me to keep going.

Faith Pucci is a junior at St. Bonaventure University. She is from Brookfield, Connecticut and is super excited to enter her second year on the Her Campus team! Besides Her Campus at SBU, Faith is an adolescent education major with a concentration in mathematics and is also in Bona Buddies, a youth mentoring group. She has enjoyed writing since she was young and feels that Her Campus is a great escape from life and gives her the opportunity to express how she feels to the world. When she's not doing school-related activities, Faith loves to watch "Shameless" and "Friends" and hanging out with her friends off-campus. Listening to music in the car is another big passion of hers, as well as hanging out with her dog, William Francis. A little fun fact about Faith is that she used to do competitive dance for many years.