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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I still have a couple of months until I am allowed to drink legally in the U.S., book a hotel room, hit the casino, become an uber driver, purchase marijuana and even adopt a child. Will I do most of those things? Probably not. I feel as though 21 is the last milestone I was looking forward to. Turning 16 and 18 does not seem like a big deal now, but when I was younger I was excited. Now, with only a couple of months left before I am a full, legal adult, I can not help but wonder: I have no other age to look forward to turning. My roommates are turning 21 before me, and I’ve begun to start thinking about getting older recently. The future just holds more responsibilities.

I used to be infatuated with being older when I was younger. I grew up with all older cousins, constantly wanting to dress and act just like them. The only thing that held me back was my age. And then I grew up too fast. Everything I hoped being older would be I already did, and you could say I am a little bored. Now I am finally at an age that I am semi-comfortable with. I wish I could stay 20 longer.

What scares me is turning 30. Where am I going to be? What will I be doing? I am enthusiastic to get older and build a name for myself in the career world but also a little terrified. I want to financially support myself and be secure, but as of right now, I do not want to get older.

When we get older so do other people. This includes loved ones, which really scares me. I do not want to see my parents get older and times get harder. That’s life though. Right? I am going to stop talking about the possibility of losing people now. . .

I am at an age I really enjoy. Other than the obvious fewer responsibilities, this age is a fun age to find yourself. I think in the past two years I really began to find what values I possess. Then I think how I am stuck with myself for the rest of my life and will learn more and more about who I am. It is scary but also comforting again.

I think ages are a bigger deal than they should be. But I clearly get caught up in them. I learned, from writing this, that I should not look forward to turning any specific age. Instead, I should look forward to what my upcoming years could bring me.

I just wish I could stay young forever.

Hi, my name is Marnique, and I'm a senior journalism major at St. Bonaventure University. I love to read and write!