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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

“Nobody cares, Adria. It doesn’t matter.” I hear this quote daily from my friends, and to be honest, every time I hear it, I hold back tears. It does matter and I do care.  I care about everything.  

Unfortunately, I care a lot about myself. Obviously, I care about the happiness of my friends. I care about spending time with my family. I care about helping those in need. I care about making the world a better place, but when it comes down to it, I care the most about myself. 

I care about how my hair looks. I care about the grade I got on my stats test. I care about the guy who probably never even thinks about me. I care about what size my jeans are. I care about how much money is in my bank account.  

“Not everything is about you, Adria.” This is another quote that I hear far too often. Whenever one of my friends makes this comment in a joking way, I feel my lip quiver and my eyes well up with tears. Obviously, I know that the world doesn’t revolve around me, but if I care about something it consumes my life. 

If I care about something, the people around me are going to know it. I care about everything so much that I can’t just “move on” from a situation. I have to talk about it, then talk about it again, and keep talking about it until it drives everyone around me insane.  

For some people, it’s not normal to be hung up on the same situation for months or years, but that’s just simply how I am. I will care about something until it breaks me; that’s just who I am. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but I can’t continue to let people make me feel like there’s something wrong with me for it.  

I have no problem admitting that there’s certain situations that I would benefit from moving on from, but I’ll do that at my own pace. I don’t need everyone around me urging me to suppress my feelings in order to “get over” something that’s still actively affecting me. 

Sometimes I wish I didn’t care so deeply about every minor aspect of my life, but if I care about it, is it really minor? If something matters to me, it matters to me, and that’s simply how it is.  

So, the next time someone says, “It doesn’t matter, Adria,” I will look them right in the eye and tell them that it does. If I care about something, I will allow myself to feel every emotion associated with it. I will cry, complain, and vent to anyone willing to listen. I refuse to feel bad for caring.  

Adria Hoadley is a second year student at St. Bonaventure University from Union Springs, New York, and first year Her Campus member. Passionate about mental health, societal issues, and womanhood; she loves expressing these interests through her writing! As a psychology major, Adria enjoys learning new things and exploring ideas that may be foreign to her. After graduating with her undergraduate degree from SBU, she hopes to go on and get her master’s degree in school counseling, while also having her own therapy patients. Outside of academics, Adria participates in Silver Wolves, a program at St. Bonaventure that connects students to elderly residents in the local area, along with any other volunteer opportunities that may come up. In her free time, Adria enjoys spending time with friends, working out, listening to music, and online shopping. Adria loves sharing her voice and is excited to be able to do that through writing. She loves the sisterhood of Her Campus and sharing her thoughts and ideas in a creative way!