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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Change can be a scary word, and many people, like myself, resist change. We like things to remain the same; we like consistency. So, whenever change occurs, it’s natural to feel uncertain, stressed out, or filled with anxiety. However, when these feelings are left too long, it can become easy to fall into a depressive manner. 

Unfortunately, there are no ways to avoid the change, although there are certainly ways to make the change easier. Below, I have compiled a list of things I did when dealing with change, and these are tips that have proven useful both to me and my close friends. 

Reframe Your Thinking

If accepting change is a struggle, you may need to reframe your thinking. Don’t focus on the negatives – try to find the positives of the situation instead, even if it’s hard. By trying this exercise, you will be helping yourself realize the change may not be as bad as you once believed. 

Additionally, focusing on the positives will help your brain create serotonin (or as I like to call it, the happy chemical). Having serotonin in your brain will help you feel calmer and more focused.  

Practice self-care

During this time, you must care for your well-being. How you choose to care for yourself will vary depending on the person. Some ways I care for myself include having a spa day, allowing time to lie in bed, reading a book, and binge-watching a TV show. 

Not only are these helpful ways to care for your well-being, but they allow you to take your mind off whatever’s changing in life. 

Look for New Opportunities 

These opportunities may be big or they may be small but either way, it’s an opportunity that wasn’t previously available. 

Count your blessings  

While change is hard, counting blessings is a way to remember the good. Similarly, to reframe your thinking you should focus on everything you’re grateful for, even if it’s something small. Doing this will help you realize what you still have. Even if there’s change, you still have good things in life. 

Allow time to grieve 

Do not push yourself too far. During a change, it is important to go easy on yourself. Allow time to feel sad or frustrated. These are normal responses and deserve to be acknowledged. Good coping mechanisms are journaling, meditating, baking, and dancing. These activities will help you manage the emotions that come with change. 

Isabel Marzullo is a member of Her Campus SBU chapter. Isabel writes pieces surrounding books, mental health, and food. Isabel is a sophomore journalism student and the Opinion Assignment Editor at the Bona Venture. During Isabel's free time, she enjoys photography, reading, and hiking. Isabel picked up photography while in High School and quickly turned it into a hobby. She can be seen reading anything from romance to thriller. Lastly, Isabel enjoys walking on the Allegheny trail with friends along with long walks when she is at home.