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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

During this time of the year, school is becoming very stressful and it gets harder to keep up with maintaining clear and healthy skin. Nothing is more frustrating to me than when a big and painful pimple forms on your face and you can’t do anything to hide it. I didn’t know what products would be the best for me to use because it seemed like any face mask I’ve ever done in the past didn’t really make any significant changes. Also, I’ve never been the type of person to stay updated on all the new products that YouTubers rave about because I don’t want to waste my time on anything expensive that might not even work for me.

A couple weeks after being at school, I was texting my younger sister about how my skin has gotten worse and breaking out. She then told me about a new skin care treatment talked about by popular YouTubers, and said how it works better than anything she’s ever tried in the past. I wasn’t sure if I believed that, but after she sent me her before and after pictures, I decided it was worth giving it a shot.

The product is called Aztec Secret, which is an Indian healing clay for deep pore cleansing. A nice thing about the clay is that it’s very cheap and will last you several months. I got mine through Amazon for only $10.95, but it is also sold in many other stores like Walmart, Target, etc. The other recommended item that you buy in order to make this mask is apple cider vinegar. I know, weird right? Why would I ever want to put apple cider vinegar on my face when its smell is so strong and not too pleasant? But, I promise it does make a difference!

Ingredients for Making an Aztec Clay Mask:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of the Aztec clay
  • 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • A plastic bowl
  • A spoon to mix it

Now, mix all of this together until you reach a good consistency and apply it to your face with your fingers. Leave this on for about 20-25 minutes and don’t be worried if you feel tingling on your skin, that just means the mask is working! After the time is up and the mask hardens, wash it off with warm water. After removing the mask, you will notice that your skin might be red. This is completely normal and it will go away in about a half hour! The clay will absorb excess oil on your face, but will not dry out your skin. It is recommended to do this mask weekly in order to get the best results. I usually try to do it about 3 times a week! It is a great stress reliever and leaves me satisfied with smoother and healthier skin. 

Hi I’m Maggie, I’m from Buffalo, NY, a sophomore, and I am an undecided business major.
As an honors student of St. Bonaventure University, it is my objective to pursue a career that will complement my passion for working with people, my dedication to exceeding goals, and my motivation to innovate. The industries that I hope to make a difference in are fashion, media, and business.