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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Most of us, I’m sure, have heard of the viral 75 hard challenge.

This challenge has been swarming Tik Tok and I always see creators posting about the challenge and doing their daily vlogs based on this challenge. For those who don’t know, the 75 hard challenge is a 75-day-long challenge that consists of different health rules you must follow. If you break any of the rules, you must stop and start over.

The rules of this challenge are: follow a diet (no cheats, no alcohol), complete two workouts each 45 minutes and one has to be outside, drink a gallon of water, read 10 pages of a nonfiction book, and take a progress picture. The ultimate goal of this challenge is to improve your habits and keep yourself accountable of your responsibilities. Now, even though this challenge may sound easy, I have heard that the general consensus is that it is much harder than it appears. 

For college students, you may notice one of your favorite creators and feel inspired to take on this challenge. Instead of the original rules, I am going to list some that may be more fitting for any college students out there: 

Go to ALL of your classes

Okay the first one is pretty straight forward. Go to all of your classes. Trust me, I know there are days when you don’t feel like doing anything besides ‘bed rotting’. This feeling is hard to overcome, but it is important to attend all of your classes. I mean, you are paying thousands of dollars, so you might as well get your moneys worth. Going to classes is also important because it will make you feel more productive each time.

Eat three healthy meals a day

As a college student, eating three meals a day can be difficult at times. Now, eating three healthy meals a day can be even more difficult. We all know that no matter where you go to school the dining hall options are not the best. You may catch yourself eating the same three things each week and in that case, you may push away from going there. On some days you may be so busy and you honestly forget to eat. Prioritizing your health is key and feeding yourself with nutritious foods is the best way to take care yourself. 

Go to the library at least twice a week

Some people prefer to do their homework or study in their own room, and that’s okay. The library is a great place to go to if you don’t feel like sitting in your room anymore and a quiet place to do your work. A change of scenery might just help you focus more on those upcoming assignments. The library also has many resources and you may just find your perfect study spot.

Tell yourself a positive affirmation everyday

Positive affirmations are a way of helping your mind overcome any negative or overwhelming thoughts. There are times, especially during midterms or finals, where we can become very stressed and irritated with everything around us. Waking up and telling yourself a positive affirmation is a great way to start your morning. An affirmation will help your body and mind become calm and prepare yourself for the rest of the day.

Some positive affirmations: 

  • Working for my goals consistently is easy for me.
  • I am confident.
  • I am capable of reaching success. 
  • Today will be a productive day. 

Journal Daily

Keeping a daily journal is a great way to keep track of what has happened. In this journal you can write about what happened throughout your day, affirmations, short-term goals, and some long-term goals. No matter if you’re having a rough day or a great day this is a nice way to release your thoughts and feelings. 

Amanda Ippolito is a new member of Her Campus at the St. Bonaventure University chapter. She is very excited to share her writing with everyone and enjoys writing about topics that relate to pop culture, journal topics, and personal experiences. Amanda is from a very small town, Silver Creek, NY. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and her dog Bella. She also loves to listen to music, go thrifting, cook, browse Pinterest, and go to concerts. When not out and about you can find Amanda working or listening to music. Amanda’s music taste varies from artists like Stevie Nicks and Lana Del Rey all the way to Kendrick Lamar and Deftones. Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is her class’ treasurer and is involved in the school’s dance team, student government association, and college democrats.