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7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Hike More Often

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

To some it’s a lifestyle and to others it’s a bother; however, looking at some of hiking’s benefits might help those apt to avoiding the ascent lace up that dusty pair of boots and start climbing.

1.  It’s good exercise—and don’t we all need more of that?

Let’s face it, college isn’t exactly conducive to consistency and so, we don’t always make it to the gym as often as we’d like. For those dedicated to a life of lifting, taking a break from all the muscle-building and making some time for a little outdoors cardio might be beneficial too. Hiking is great exercise—it’s scientifically proven.

2.  It’s good for when making plans happen just isn’t happening.

For some of us, making plans always seems to pose a struggle—especially at college where you easily run out of new things to do and can only visit the same sub-par coffee shop so many times. Thankfully, visiting a nearby trail is a great way to get active and plan a day-long activity.

3.  You set the pace.

One of the nicest conveniences of hiking is your ability to set your own pace; you can spend as much or as little time as you want climbing, unlike a lot of structured, collegiate activities. Plus, we’re college students: sometimes we get sick of all the rigorous scheduling.

4.  It’s a bonding experience.

Sports teams aren’t the only groups that need “team bonding.” Whether you’re involved in a collegiate sport, club or you and your friends are just looking to get a little closer, hiking is the perfect way to do just that. The tedious nature of hiking makes you rely on those with you for some mid-mountain-motivation and, let’s be honest, college doesn’t always allow time for those one-on-one moments.

5.  It’ll give you a whole new perspective, in more than one way.

There’s no such thing as an unattractive summit, because each mountaintop offers a newfound perspective.  Not only does the mountaintop offer a pleasing view and like-worthy photograph to match it, but it’s also a humbling experience to see the vastness of Mother Nature.

6.  It’s one of the few attractions unaffected by the seasons.

Most outdoor activities are limited by changing seasons—because who wants to lounge on a beach covered in sloppy snow?  Luckily, the mountains are always waiting to be climbed, whether you opt for snowshoes or sneakers.

7.  It’s a confidence boost.

Anything that requires work and leads to inevitable accomplishment will make you feel good about yourself—and hiking does just that.  The ascent might be tedious at points, but no feeling matches the accomplishment of reaching a much-anticipated summit lookout.  


Photo courtesy of Liam McGurl

Freshman journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University
I'm a sophomore journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University.