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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Everyone has been talking about Euphoria as it has taken the world but storm yet never been like people have been since season two began on January 9, 2022. We see compassion, war, relationships building and breaking, regrets, new beginnings and more so many emotions we must discuss the emotional wreck Cassie has been this season. Many fans are done with her character following her hooking up with Nate despite him being her best friend, Maddy’s boyfriend. While it is understandable that Cassie is truly a heartbroken young girl with deep father abandonment issues who is looking for love anywhere, she can find this in no way makes her actions okay. Not that father issues are not serious issues because they are, period. The main point, however, is that Cassie genuinely has convinced herself she is innocent and did nothing wrong. There is no regret in her eyes until she must face Maddy and is scared. That is the disgusting part, that the girl who trusted her the most, she sees no problem with hurting her.

 On a better note, my favorite character, Lexi, is playing a pivotal part in season two’s development. Not only is she planning, writing, and conducting this mastermind play about her sensitive sister’s chaotic life but she is also involved in a new “relationship” with Fez. While this may surprise some, they are the perfect match. What I love the most about watching their characters on the screen is their joy and free spirit. I feel like both Lexi and Fez are from such a strange and sad background it feels good seeing them so happy together. It truly looks like they are at peace when they are together and that is what Lexi deserves. Her character is having the perfect break through this season and while she is best known as Cassie’s little sister, she is about to show everybody why the quietest people can often know the most information. 

Cal’s character had his little moment of fame in the fourth episode of season two. Honestly, I found relief in hearing him admit to his family that he is gay. He needs to stop sneaking around anyways and just be who he is because that would have saved everyone a lot of mess. I really wonder who the third child in the picture frame is that Cal took. It may have no real significance, but in this show intricate details are especially important, so I doubt it.

Speaking of family, my heart truly goes out to Gia. She clearly has been through A LOT. I understand that she is always there for her sister and is always going to have Rue’s back, Ali was right, Gia needs some love too. For her to be so young and experience so much with Rue, who she looks up to, must be hard. Rue’s mother, however, is selfless to me. While she tries to be a mother and understand her daughter, she simply cannot. Hearing her cry out on episode six was so heartbreaking. I really want Rue to get clean for her mom and little sister. 

Kat is a character who I enjoy. While she often to never makes the right decisions, she is funny. Season two she has been more exclusive with her new fling, which she broke up with so poorly at the end of episode six. The scene was so cringy to watch and it really made me realize how much Kat enjoys sleeping with random men. I really hope that the writers make a good, realistic storyline out of Kat’s character.

I  feel like Maddy’s character is really loved by audiences this season and I can understand why. Maddy is always seen as being such a bad-ass character but this season viewers get to see a different side of her. She is more delicate, and she is put to the ultimate test. Not only has she been betrayed by her best friend and ex, but she has been abused both physically and mentally throughout this show, yet I think season two will be the worst. While a lot of people want her to retaliate, and go crazy on Cassi, I think she will take a different approach. Maddy has a very relatable character, as many friendships are ended due to relationship issues during high school. While she may seem to be self-centered, she also is seen having a big heart for people around her. I believe Nate’s mom does not like her because she sees Maddy’s strength and knows that she would be dominant over Nate. She also knows Maddy is going to stick up for herself against Nate unlike Cassie. I feel like Maddy, and Cassie’s friendship needed to end. Cassie was clearly not a good friend, and she could be baggage that Maddy just needs to let go of. 

Jules and Elliot have been receiving a large amount of hate this season for how they treated Rue. You personally cannot blame them for her drug usage, but they are not the right crowd for Rue to me. Jules can be very selfish at times and did not consider Rue’s feelings several times throughout the series. Elliot, who is new to season two, has certainly made a significant impact. He began doing drugs with Rue and he thought it was all good until he realized she needed serious help. I feel as if he did nothing wrong with telling Jules that truth, but they are both completely sick for being together behind Rue’s back. I hope Rue gets better friends.

 Throughout watching Euphoria, I have never truly hated Rue. While she is very selfish and is clearly trying to harm/ kill herself to escape her reality through drug abuse, I have always felt bad for her. Rue has stated to herself that she wishes she were different and not on drugs. Watching season two is hard for me, however, because I find myself wanting so much for Rue, yet she does not seem to be trying to get better. This show really shows viewers how serious addiction is. While you can love someone on drugs and want them to get off, addictions are strong and sometimes unbreakable. Many viewers have built a fan-based relationship with Rue’s character, and it hurts them to see her doing so badly. From watching the show, myself it shows me how frustration can quickly turn into anger and isolation, which is where many people in Rue’s life have been with her at one point in time. While they may be upset with the situation, showing how people in Rue’s life still try to love her even through her abuse really shows the audience how drug abuse just does not affect you but also those around you. I hope that Rue’s character is season two really begins to approve from where she is now. After causing so much chaos Rue really was exposed to seeing how her addiction can not only destroy her life so fast but as well as everyone else’s around her. I just pray that Rue now cares enough to end her addiction. 

Sierra Norwood

Savannah '24

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