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The True Meaning of Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

For centuries the true meaning of life, our creation and why we are here have been questioned. So lets discuss it more shall we? 

Everyone and everything are here for a reason. From the dirt that encroaches the ground to the sky that harbors the Earth the emphasis on life is what people think of. So the question we should be asking is what makes life worth living for? Most people are living for joy and happiness, and then others are just living just because, but the main factor is our lives impact the lives as others as well. What we put out into the universe is what we will receive. Everything we do is for a reason and for a purpose because if not then life would be meaningless. So I believe the meaning of life is to find purpose as to why we live and experience the things in our lives.

Dialect induces cultural stigma to the roots of any society. Language defines our cultural and origins as well as providing innovation for future derivatives of said language.  It’s also everyday living in our society. The creation of dialect is important because it’s a verbal way to express themselves.  For example prisons, cults, organizations, and other cultures have a set of communicating.  Language is the method of interacting with others.  In the early stages, of mankind, communication was through grunts and noises; eventually through drawings of symbols.  During Egyptian times, hieroglyphic were a form of language of how they communicated to make pyramids. With the aid of creativity and knowledge of communication founded by mankind, many different dialects were then born into the world thus allowing language to obtain a greater value ultimately making communication a common and powerful weapon amongst the populous. 

Forms of literature date back farther than that of the Epic of Gilgamesh. From the times of old, the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh was carved on a clay tablet emphasizing artistry and primitive refinement from a modern viewpoint. Culture thrives from items that were handcrafted with the few materials and tools available but delivered finer and profound history than that of religion. Expressing the values from the past pertaining to the five senses allowed progression and innovation to derive and begin to grow as time moved on such a dialect and English. Without antiques and inspiration coming from the beginning, understanding even a bit of life would become a futile task for anyone and anything to grasp.

The body defines the meaning of life as every organism depends on their health for if the body can’t function, nor will the mind.  In many cases, the biological aspects of the body is important in many cultures in the world.  DNA encodes a basic blueprint of a human’s body structure but simultaneously enriches each being with their own personality and mentality beyond simple expectation “If generalizations about humanity can be valid, it is among other things because human beings, belonging as they do to the same natural species, share an immense amount in common.”(Eagleton).

 Instead of reciting beliefs to those who wish to participate, art allowed everyone and everything to invest beauty and perspective to the story that is still far from concluding.  From the plants and trees that remain unmovable, grounded in the Earth since birth but somehow clads the land with green and adding to the ocean with evermore splendid colors to the vastness of space that seem to observe us more than we observe it are all present but with purposes that are not of comprehension. The simplicity of us and the world we share with other beings concreted the familiarity with all species even those unknown to humans. As we found more unfamiliar creatures, their being adds more values to the world and why we or anything else are a part of it.

Consciousness is the awareness of immediate and indirect events in the surrounding vicinity. With careful observation such as every other organism, the human species is no exception to an experience that will make us view situations differently “This alone is the valid foundation of our right to strive for happiness; it is a human right, and a right of all sentient beings.” (Hopkins). With this in mind, our meaning in life will give us more knowledge and a higher sense. 

In morality, it speaks of behavior in regards to right or wrong conduct.  This brings the concepts of moral standards regarding behavior.  It’s also a moral responsibility to our conscience.  Our meaning of life shows a moral identity or one who can do right or wrong actions.  I think the meaning of life, is weighing heavy on our morality.  Such as making the right decisions or bad decisions and living with the consequences.  Good or wrong effects defines the meaning of life, and choices are important.