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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Yeah yeah we heard it

Black is beautiful

But what about me is beautiful

My big brown eyes

My hazelnut colored skin

Or my long voluminous black hair

Oh that’s not all…

Is it my sarcastic attitude

Or my intelligence

My wisdom beyond my years

Perhaps my gap

Matter of fact

It’s all of that, that makes me beautiful

Then again, they always tell me

“Black is beautiful…”

Tell me something I don’t know

My black is beautiful

Her black is beautiful

OUR —  black is beautiful

Hi, my name is Paris Shatteen. I am an English major passionate about writing catered towards benefiting women empowerment. I am twenty one years old and through this organization I look forward to showing the benefits of sisterhood and show how important writing is to our daily lives. I love what HerCampus has to offer and I look forward to adding my contribution!