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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.


I’ve heard of people having these conversations in the dark. Usually on their hands and knees. Facing towards the sky.


With their eyes closed and hands shut tight. 


They say it helps. 


That someone or something is listening to their thoughts. There’s a lot of “thank yous” and a lot of grace. It seems like a lot of respect is present. And when it’s over their heavy chests turn light. 


Who are they talking to? 


Some will give you a very specific name. Believe me there’s a lot. Some couldn’t even tell you one. Some will say it’s to the universe or to the ancestors, whether you understand them or not. 


I hope this works. 


When I’m sitting alone, with no one to turn to. When my chest feels heavy and needs to feel light. I hope someone or something hears me, when my eyes and hands are shut tight. My face towards the sky. Having these talks in the dark.

I have a lot to say, so I put it in writing 🤎