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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

It was just a simplistic conversation. It was enough, no reward, no compensation.

I missed seeing that smile when talking about the little things. There’s little rings that ding my heart, when I watch you breathe.

I don’t know if it’s just the season of love but it put me at ease. We might have soul ties,

But we are too toxic to give it another try. There are demons buried in our movements.

That’s why before I can love you I need self improvement.

Akiele Nelson

Savannah '24

Currently An undergraduate junior at the University by the Sea, Savannah state studying Middle Grade education & a minor in Behavioral Analysis. I, Akiele Nelson am a poet, writer & romantic. Hopefully you enjoy my content, feel something and maybe relate to my words. They say a poet is first firstly, a person passionately in love with language.