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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Often, we expect gifts and some sort of token of appreciation from our significant other on Valentine’s Day. Sometimes, someone who admires us will show their love and admiration for you through gifts unexpectedly. However, it is necessary to take a step back and be sure that in light of you receiving gifts you remember the real beauty in Valentine’s Day: Being your own Valentine first.  There are many good men out there to appreciate you in the best way. However, no one can love you the way you can. We as women, go through things that we may not share with others and often we find ourselves wearing a smile everyday just to keep ourselves from breaking down. We try to be strong and caring to others while trying to do the same for ourselves. While I too am excited for Valentine’s Day this year, I am even more excited to show myself extra love going into it. That starts with waking up every morning with a smile on your face and looking in the mirror and saying positive affirmations like “I am  beautiful, I am wonderfully and fearfully made, I am powerful”. Next, do something within the day that makes you smile or makes you happy. Whether it’s making cookies and eating them with ice cream or singing your favorite song to the top of your lungs. Go into Valentine’s Day feeling your absolute best. Not because someone else appreciates you, but because you appreciate yourself.

Aleesa Brantley

Savannah '22

Biology Major Honors study at Savannah State University ??!! Class of ‘22