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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Love is a word that is generally hated in this generation. You usually hear people say “ F ..Love”, as if love is an actual person that they may have come across and that person called “Love” hurt them. See it’s not love that is a problem its the person that is giving it. The love that is given by man comes with conditions, but the love that is true love is simply God because he is love  

1 John 4:8 . When I think of Man love it spells out this…  

L : Lust 

O: Overbearing 

V: Vanity 

E: Envy  

This L.O.V.E will leave you Broken, Lost, and Confused. Many  of us have had a fair share of this type of love. Ohhh!!! because trust me I have had my fair share of this type of love don’t get it twisted, But I finally have found a love that loves me back unconditionally. When I think of God’s Love it spells out this…  

L: Longsuffering   

O: Overcoming

V: Victory

E: Everlasting  

Love bears all things,  Believes all things,  Hopes all things,   Endures all things.

Love near fails.  

~ Amen 

Langsten Lilly

Savannah '26

Hello, My name is Langsten Lilly. I attend the Luxurious Savannah State University. I hold writing dear to my heart because its a way I can express my emotions and spread encouragement others to do the same.