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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Interviewer,Keitanya: Hi HerCampus readers! My name is Keitanya Klien and I am the co-writing coordinator for HerCampus Savannah. I have the pleasure of interviewing the beautiful Amiya James. Amiya is a senior at SSU and this is her first year in HerCampus. Hi Amiya!

Amiya: Hi Keitanya! How are you?

Keitanya: I am great. This is just a interview getting to know you and your story.

Amiya: Ok great.

Keitanya: What is your name and where are you from?

Amiya: My name is Amiya James and I am from Albany, Georgia.

Keitanya: What do you like the most about where you are from?

Amiya: Well Albany is a small town. I like that its homey and small (laughs), Everybody knows everybody and you can be yourself there.

Keitanya: That’s cool. Im from Atlanta so Im sure its completely different.

Amiya: Yes (laughs)

Keitanya: What are your hobbies?

Amiya: I like to write of course. I like to shop specifically thrift. I like to listen to music and sing along to the songs (laughs). I also enjoy watching Golden Girls. Its my alltime favortite show. I like to do my hair, my natural hair the most. I like to hang out with friends, my boyfriend and loved ones as well. Oh yea and I like getting tattoos (laughs).

Keitanya: Thats so cool. We have common hobbies (laughs).

Keitanya: What made you choose Savannah State?

Amiya:  Everyone had a dream school. A school that they always wanted to go to… I didn’t really have one (laughs). A friend of mine who is older persuaded me to come and I did not want to stay in my hometown to go to school. I gave SSU a try and I am glad that I did. 

Keitanya: What do you like most about HBCU’s in general?

Amiya: I love the culture.  I love the fact that there are people who look just like me being successful. I just love the overall experience.. Its like no other

Keitanya: Yesss! I feel like HBCU’s are a true experience.

Amiya: Yes they are. I am glad I made the decision to attend one.

Keitanya: My next question is, When did you begin writing?

Amiya: I feel like I have been writing all my life (laughs). But umm I started in elementary by just writing songs. In middle school I participated in open mics… In high school that’s when I took writing serious. I got my heart broken by a boy and writing helped me cope…  I write a lot of poetry. Poetry helps me express myself and express my thoughts. Its one of my favorite things to do. It is like once I start writing I do not want to stop.

Keitanya: That’s so cool. I loved your poem “Risks” on the site.

Amiya: (smiles) Thank you.

Keitanya: My next question is How did you find out about HerCampus?

Amiya: Morgan. Shes a good friend of mine.

Keitanya: Oh wow! I love Morgan. Im glad she introduced you to HerCampus.

Amiya: Yes, HerCampus has made me appreciate writing more. Being published and getting a lot of views makes me feel good. It makes me proud of myself. 

Keitanya: You should be proud! I cannot wait to read more from you.

Keitanya: How do you want readers to feel after reading your content?

Amiya: I want them to feel connected. I always say this, I need readers to read my words and think. Think and then feel… I want them to get a sense of my emotions. I want them to be inspired and take something away from my pieces. You cannot just read my poems and think nothing of them… Remember how they made you feel. 

Keitanya: Inspirational!

Keitanya: What is your favorite quote?

Amiya: “No rain no flowers”. You have to go through the bad days to get to the good ones. This is a quote that I live by and I stand on it as I grow as a person. 

Keitanya: I love that! So simple but meaningful.

Amiya: Another personal quote I live by is “ You are in control of your own life and thoughts”.

Keitanya: This is my last question.

Keitanya: Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?

Amiya: (takes long pause) I see myself owning my own practice as a pediatric doctor. I want to be my own boss. That’s so important to me. Be your own boss ladies (laughs). I want to have Tattoo Tuesdays… yes you heard that right. I want to make getting more tattoos a future goal (laughs). I love writing so I want a poetry book published. Most importantly, I want to be happy.

Keitanya: The truly amazing Amiya James and this is HerStory.

*Amiya James has a new podcast entitiled “lovemeloveyours”. Please follow her instagram @amiyanishae and her podcast page @lovemeloveyours to listen.*


Amiya James

Savannah '21

Hi beautiful people! I’m just a masterpiece trying to master peace ?