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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.


As a distant stranger I met you, Started with a simple hello. Didn’t realize I’d really know you,  Didn’t think we’d be that close.  A random meetup that started a bond All ended after two years  Hmm, maybe it was one.  I was blindly in a relationship that gave me nothing,  From someone who cared and borrowed from my blessings My gifts fed you, and it is true You learned from me, but I also learned from you I learned that friends don’t use,  They stay when it counts,  They confront their issues. They try to solve and figure them out.  But when things went south and your needs weren’t met,  You neglected me without an explanation And that truly was disrespect I deserve respect and nothing less I guess it was true when someone told me that I cared and did more Because to you, I wasn’t a friend  I was a chore It’s also funny when I see you, And who you surround Because those are the same people you used to talk to me about You appear out of it I really know For that, I wish I could go back so my emotions could be tamer  Because then this would’ve never existed We were better as strangers

And even now, I only want the best Be great, live your life, and be blessed

Caleisha Tabor is a senior at Savannah State University. When she isn't napping or studying, she spends time volunteering and watching Netflix. She aspires to travel and become polylingual one day.