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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

In a world full of hate it is easy to lose sight of the most important love we will ever possess, the
one within ourselves. Self-love is more than just a saying; it’s a life changing process that starts
with acceptance and develops into a deep appreciation for who we are. Fundamentally, loving
oneself entails treating ourselves with respect, kindness, and compassion. It’s about accepting our
shortcomings and flaws as essential components of who we are. Setting healthy boundaries,
putting self-care first, and taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health are all part of
developing self-love. Yet loving oneself isn’t always simple. It necessitates facing our inner
critic, overcoming social pressures, and overcoming limiting beliefs. It is a regular exercise in
self-compassion, forgiveness, and mindfulness.
Embracing self-love empowers us to follow our passions, live true to ourselves, and create happy
relationships. It helps us to face life’s obstacles head-on with grace and resilience, to appreciate
our victories, and to set reasonable goals.
In the end, radical self-affirmation and self-care become self-love. It’s a path of self-discovery
and self-acceptance that leads to increased happiness, joy, and inner peace. Thus, let us go out on
this adventure with an open mind and a dedication to fostering the most significant relationship
of all: our relationship with ourselves.
This month take a few moments to truly appreciate and understand yourself, to not just live, but
LOVE you.

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Kassidi Bagley

Savannah '27

Hello. My name is Kassidi Bagley. I attend Savannah State University as a Behavior Analysis major. I am a member of Her Campus, National Council of Negro Women, as well as Greater Impact Camous Movement. All 3 are organizations at Savannah State University. I am an extremely passionate individual. Everything I do, I put my all into. I like to include myself in many environments and get experience with various skills and positions. I enjoy meeting new people and learning from them and how they manage their life, hobbies, passions etc. I am a natural leader and like to take charge in any situation. My overall career goal is to be dually certified as a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and a Doctor of Occupational Therapy. I want to work with children with various disabilities and help them navigate through their disabilities by modifying behaviors and teaching them necessary skills. In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing videos games and spending time with my friends and family. I am a follower of Christ, so I also enjoy reading my bible, attending church, and engaging in fellowship with my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. I have also been newly discovering the hobby of content creation, creative direction, and some graphic design as well.