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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

    Dear Black Men, in a world that does not appreciate you I want to say thank you. Thank you for having all odds stacked against you and still prevailing. When I see accomplishments of you all my heart is warm. You are not what they say you are. You are providers, protectors, and humble men. With the world trying to emasculate you I want you all to stay strong and continue being you. You are worthy of love and respect. You are kings. You deserve happiness and tranquility. You deserve to be able to cry and express your feelings without being labeled “weak”. If you cry in front of me I do not see weakness I see strength. I see a man who is able to express his feelings after being told “they do not matter”. I see a man who is able to let his guard down after being told as a little boy “You better toughen up. Boys don’t cry”. You confiding in me is the most beautiful thing in the world.I need you to open up. Every time you vent you are giving me a piece of you and a step towards healing.  You teach me something about myself as well. I respect the fact you can trust me and be vulnerable. I want to build you up. As a black woman that is my job. I am eager to assist you in any area you need help in whether it may be mentally or spiritually. You are worthy of the world. You deserve the world. You are still human and deserve to be treated as such. There is no need for you to sacrifice your values to fit in society’s standard of who they want you to be. Which is “feminine and submissive” . Be who you are. Many people make demands of what they want from you without giving anything in return. Know your worth and what you deserve. You set the tone on what a man is and should be. Everything from your words and actions are sacred. From the way you all dap your homeboys up, saying, “nah man i’m tryna get like you” to the little two step you do when you feeling yourself and do not even get me started on your looks. You all come in so many different complexions, full lips, and personalities. You have the power to draw people in without even speaking. I need you. I need you to be our communities educators,  teachers, and protectors. There is nothing wrong with being the leader and dominant. We need that.  I got your back just like you got mine. You are powerful. You are going to be my husband.  I am going to have your children. I need and adore you. I value you. Continue on your journey of greatness and know I will always be here to love, support, motivate, invest, hold, protect, and encourage you. Thank you.

Sincerely, Mesi, A black woman

Mesi Moore

Savannah '22

Hello! My name is Tho’Mesia Moore, but you can call me Mesi. I am from a small town called Claxton, Ga and currently attend Savannah State University. I am a Social Work Major and joined Her Campus Savannah my freshman year. I love writing to spread knowledge, give people a different perspective of looking at things, and inspiring others. Check out my articles below ❤️