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You might go to Ambrose if….

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

You might go to Ambrose if….


BEE this, BEE that

….. You always take advantage of throwing out a BEE pun every once in awhile. They are everywhere on campus from “BEE the difference” to “BEE careers”. Or if you get way too excited for that Instagram caption that you have been thinking of where some BEE pun is totally appropriate. We all can admit that we can BEE punny sometimes because after all, there’s no place we’d rather BEE!


“Brick Wall, Waterfall, girl WE NEED A PIC BY THE BLUE WALL.”

….. At least a couple pictures with the blue wall don’t take up your camera roll. Did you really go to Rookies if you didn’t get a picture outside by the blue wall? Not only does Rookies have awesome dollar deals, but the blue wall makes the perfect background for those homecoming pictures with your friends. I’ve even made it a must during the rain!



Perhaps a salad?

….. You have dreaded going into the cafe. We all have complained about at least something not being to our liking in the cafeteria. Some days literally nothing looks appetizing and as you sit there and stare at the mysterious food you grabbed out of spite, you miss those home cooked meals your mother always had prepared. But we all know that secretly we love those wing wednesdays, or pumpkin bars every once in awhile. Buzz bucks can save lives but only for so long.



You got mail! Lots of it!

….. You check your email more then you check social media. It seem’s as if we get blown up email after email everyday, whether it be from Nurse Nancy, Student Activities, etc., once you clear your inbox, your right back to where you started a couple hours later. As we scroll through the handful of emails, we all are probably guilty of blocking them out, looking for those glorious “class is canceled” email.



Houston, we have a problem.

….. You have complained about the parking situation only about five days a week. As most know, there always seems to be more cars than there are parking spots which leads to circling around every lot countless times, waiting like a tiger about to pounce on his prey as soon as a spot opens up. Creating your own parking spot always comes as the last resort, along with that unwanted parking ticket security was so nice of to give you.



How nuts!

….. You have accepted the amount of squirrels on campus. It is guaranteed the most you have ever seen in your life and when someone asks why there is so many, you just never have an answer. On your walk to class, you see about five or more squirrels running around. You almost wonder, why aren’t they our school mascot?



bee | salad | emails | parking | squirrel 

Her Campus at SAU