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Why it’s Okay to Move Home After College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

“What are your plans after college?”

A question we all dread to hear. But what if your plans don’t involve moving to a big city, starting your dream career, or going to grad school? What if you just plan to move back home?

“You want to move back home? What?! After so much freedom for four years?!”

Well, yes. For us millennials, it’s an option and it’s one being considered more often than not. So, let me tell you the words you need to hear about moving home: It’s okay. It’s quite common, and let me be the first to say how parents can actually be the best roommates ever. 


1. A delicious homemade dinner almost every night and not having to worry about cooking for yourself! (Thank you mom!)

2. Pre-made lunches to take to work because your dad is awesome and makes them for you while you get ready to run out the door.

3. You don’t have to worry about dusting, vacuuming or doing any of the real dirty work.

4. Your parents are actually cool now that you’re 21. 

5. Living at home lets you explore different careers because let’s be honest — who really gets their dream job directly out of college? Sometimes you gotta jump around to get where you want to go.

6. You get to spend time with your family pets who are like your little brother and sister. They can be annoying but they’re just so dang cute you want to squeeze them.

7. You get to go to grandmas house anytime you want because for some reason that woman knows how to make everything better when there’s nothing even wrong. 

8. You have the chance to reconnect with old friends that you haven’t seen since you graduated high school.

9. You’ll be saving money to afford your own place, because lets be real, we can’t live at home forever. 

10. And your parents will still be there for you when you lose it all because BILLS.



Moving back home is an acceptable (and very common) happening post-graduating college. If you’re still trying to figure things out, or if you just can’t seem to adult alone just yet, it’s okay to move back home. #HCXO




***Images courtesy of: 


“>Pre-made lunch,


“>Cool Mom, Careers,


“>Grandma, Friends, Save money,
  • SAU college
  • SAU HC