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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The birds will fly still. 

Turn up stones, sticks,

they’ll gather our 

leftover bones

to build their nests.

They’ll tweet through the forest, 

lush and green, 



from the remains

of the humans unseen. 

The birds will repopulate, 

They will live prosperous and happy lives. 

The humans were mean and irate

and could not survive. 

The birds will exist 

long beyond us,

they will 



and crap 

all over 

our mangled bones 

buried, wantless 

and dismissed.

Esther Windt is an editor for HC @SAU. Beyond HC, Esther is involved in campus. She is a part of the board for Theatre Appreciation Club as well as the editorial team for the Quercus literary magazine. She is also involved in theatre productions put on by SAU theatre. She also works as a writing tutor with the Student Success Center on campus. She is majoring (Creative Writing Concentration) and Theology. In her free time, she likes to go on runs, writes frequently, as well as watch TV and drinks lots of coffee. A fun fact about Esther is she's never broken a bone