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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

It is the week before finals, or as we affectionately call it, Hell Week. We all are preparing projects, presentations, and study guides for the last week of the semester. Yet, we also are singing our favorite Christmas songs and preparing for snow, presents, and jolly good fun. So, here is a little Christmas-themed truth for you to read while dying from finals AND preparing for Christmas – killing two birds with one stone.


Twas the Week Before Finals 

Twas the week before finals, when all through our campus

Not a person was ready, not even a slight

Final grades were approaching and all need prepare

In hopes that our sanity will still be all there


The students were nestled, all snug in the lib

While visions of F’s loomed in our heads

Friends in their sweats, we all are a mess

Please settle our brains for a long study sesh


When down in the lobby, there arose such a ringing,

We sprang from our booths to see what was alarming

Away to the railing we flew like a flash

Hoping it was something to get us out of this death


The moon in the windows, illuminated the show

Gave the look of a flashlight to the objects below

When what to our wondering eyes should appear

But just a freshman who walked out with a room key again


With little to no smile, so weak and so sick

We knew in a moment it was just a sick trick

More rapid than an eagle, our to-do list grew on

And we cried, and shouted, and called out to everyone:


“Now, professors! Now, partners! Now, I’m begging you, please!

On Monday deliver me the good grades I need!

To the top of the grade range! To the top of the scores!

Now dash away F’s, we don’t want you for sure!”


And then, in a moment of utter defeat, I heard a familiar ring tone

Then to my delight, it was my mom’s voice saying

“Just take it one assignment at a time”

Through my head, through my brain, I let these words reign


I could do it, by golly, and I’d do it today!

Though my hair was nasty and my breath smelled of coffee

I pushed through the struggle and buckled down in a jiffy

I x-ed off my to-do list, and fought back my defeat


On Friday at five, I cried with delight

As I left the lib and thought of my two days of quiet

All was not over, I still had one week in my plight

Yet you could still here me exlaim into the night:

“Happy end of hell week to all…and to all a good night”






Image Source: Elf






Hey, I'm Kaylee. I love sports and dogs. 
Her Campus at SAU