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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Packing to go back to college after winter break is sad yet exciting. Students long for the relaxation of the semester break but are intrigued by starting a brand new semester with new classes and a new schedule. Transitioning back into college and dorm living can be difficult because you are back in a different environment with new people and some friends to rekindle with. 

As the first week concludes, SAU students evaluate the many syllabuses and slowly start to feel overwhelmed about how much work and effort they will have to endure with taking so many class credits. Anticipating the amount of classwork and extracellular activities that students will have for the spring semester, they prepare by slowly making a daily to-do list and a daily calendar so nothing gets slipped through the cracks of the first couple of weeks of the semester. 

Most students try to ease back into the semester, but most accidentally fall back into it and try to handle the responsibilities and goals that we have for ourselves and the requirements for our classes and extracurriculars. 

SAU students are all transitioning back into the St. Ambrose campus and are excited to face new challenges and new experiences within the university!

Hi! My name is Makenna Verdon and I am a sophomore. I am majoring in English as well as Journalism. Besides HerCampus, I am apart of a bowling team, Triota, and SATT at St. Ambrose University! I am very excited for this year!