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See You Soon, Ambrose

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

I’m just going to start this out honestly – I am not prepared to graduate. I am in complete denial that in just a few short days, I will be separated from my best friends for an unknown amount of time. Four years ago, I was ready to transfer out of Ambrose. Now, I can’t imagine leaving.

There are so many people here who have truly become my family. I wish I could just bundle them all up and take them with me to Minnesota. Sadly, that’s not the way it works, but I can take this opportunity to let them know how much they mean to me.

First and foremost, my roommates. These four girls are way more than what the word “roommate” means. They are my best friends, my therapists, my sisters. Without them, I would have never found my Ambrose family. Without them, I wouldn’t be me. Mary, Mary, Haley, and Sara: you are all amazing. I’m so proud of where you are going and I am so excited to see how much you all change the world! :) You’ve definitely changed my world, and I can never thank you enough for being such a big part of my life.

Next, my OT girls, especially Kristin and Annie. I can’t imagine going through this undergrad/grad school roller coaster without you two. We may have a very dysfunctional relationship sometimes, but I’m glad we can yell at each other and still get through those long nights of studying muscles, brains, kids, etc. Somehow, we manage to spend every waking moment together and still have fun without killing each other. If that’s not friendship, I don’t know what is. I’m so excited for our adventure next semester and being with you girls on this OT journey!

Finally, my WNT boys. Nathan, Austin, Austin, and Scott, I honestly don’t remember what life in Hagen 312 was like before you guys showed up. It is so great to have you to balance out all the girly-ness in the apartment. You’re really good at driving us crazy, but you also remind us to have some fun sometimes and keep us sane. Although it obviously won’t be the same, I’m glad I still have a semester left for a few more wine nights. Don’t worry, I’ll save you some Natasha! ;)

There are so many more people here who have made Ambrose home. The track house boys, all my other OT classmates, and just everyone – these last four years would not have been the same without you. All the teachers I’ve had have also been more than welcoming. I love the Ambrose community and I owe so much to everyone here. These truly have been the best years of my life so far!


Her Campus at SAU