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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

After three long semesters of social distancing and online learning, things are finally feeling kind of normal again. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back because these past few semesters were not easy. I don’t know about you guys, but the past year and a half was really hard on my mental health. I really struggled to stay on top of my schoolwork and felt extremely unmotivated; I was burnt out. The somewhat return to normalcy has definitely helped pull me out of my slump but I had to make some other changes to my life to help get my mental health back on track. So, whether you are currently burnt out or trying to avoid it this semester, here are some tips and tricks that helped me and might help you.

  • Limit your social media use
    • Social Media is obviously a major part of our generation. Thanks to apps like Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok, we are more connected than ever before. While this can be great, it can also be toxic and addicting. I often feel like social media constantly reminds me of all the bad things happening around me which just makes me sad. While it is important to stay connected to the world around us, you need to give yourself a break from it every now and again.
  • Keep a Journal
    • You may be thinking, “if I’m feeling burnt out how do you expect me to find the time or energy to journal?” I felt like that too! It can be hard to start a habit of journaling, but I highly recommend it. Journaling can help you organize your thoughts and make sense of it all. I always feel a lot better after I journal about things that are bothering me. Keeping all of your feelings bottled up won’t do any good for your mental health.
  • Designate time for yourself
    • Last semester, I often found myself spending entire days trying to get schoolwork done and still not really getting much done at all. While school is obviously important, you will drive yourself crazy if you’re constantly trying to work on it. Not to mention you probably won’t get as much done or produce your best work if you don’t feel well. That’s why it’s important to remember to schedule time for yourself throughout the day. Use that time to work on a hobby, get coffee with a friend, watch a few episodes of your favorite TV show, exercise, or anything else that makes you happy. After doing that, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to get your work done!
  • Talk to your friends and family
    • You are not alone! Chances are that your friends or family have felt burnt out at one point or another. Talking to them about the way you feel can help you feel a little less alone! They might even have some tips that can help you get through whatever it is you’re going through.
SAU Senior Student Teacher Harry Styles and Taylor Swift enthusiast