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A Letter to My Mom on Mother’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Dear Mom,

I owe you an endless, impossible amount of gratitude. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to explain how much you’ve impacted my life. But you deserve to hear my best attempt at a thank you.

Thank you for always being my #1 supporter, but also my #1 enemy.

Since the day I was born, you have always been my personal cheerleader. You have always told me that I am good enough, I am smart enough, and I am strong enough. And I wouldn’t be the same person today if you hadn’t. Yet, there are days where you tell me I am being dramatic, I am being rude, or I am being downright unbearable. And even though I cuss and fume on those days, I thank you for always being honest with me. You’ve made me proud, but humble and self-aware.

Thank you for letting me make my own mistakes.

As hard as it is for you to watch me fail, watch me get my heartbroken, and watch me struggle- you have taught me that after each fall, I will stand back up even stronger. You’ve never told me what to do, but only told me whatever advice you had. And if I didn’t learn my lesson the first time around, then it was only necessary for me to keep going until I got it. So, thank you for never taking the wheel for me. You’ve let me drive myself into whatever potholes I wanted, and now I am driving straighter and smarter because of that. Not to say I don’t get off course now and then, still.

Thank you for showing me that a good personality can make you more beautiful than all the makeup in the world.

Growing up I never saw you put on makeup besides special occasions. But when I woke up every day I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world. And not just because you are on the outside, but because your love, humor, and generosity are the most incredible things I have ever experienced. And I am still taken aback by what a stunning person you are. To this day, I still don’t know how to put anything but mascara on, but that’s okay, because I can always learn how to apply makeup. But it is much harder to learn the importance of a beautiful soul.

Thank you for letting go.

You knew that getting out of that town would be the best thing for me. And I know that it killed you to see me go. So, thank you for encouraging me to leave even though it hurt you. I grew up, and honestly, that has to be the most bittersweet realization for a mother. Every one of my birthdays is just a reminder that I am no longer your baby and a reminder that you are getting older too. But that doesn’t matter. Because for you, I will always be your “baby girl.” And to me, you will always be my superwoman. 

Basically, thank you for being my shoulder to cry on, my go-to gal, and my sunshine on a cloudy day. Never has the world met a mother as fantastic as you. 

Happy Mother’s Day!



Hey, I'm Kaylee. I love sports and dogs. 
Her Campus at SAU