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The Importance of the Millennial Vote in the 2016 Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Only 9 more days until we vote for our next president in one of the most hate-driven elections yet. As Americans, we have put ourselves in a complicated situation with the decision between Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. This issue has caused a lot of disappointment and frustration among young voters. Despite what we may like to think, one of these candidates will be our president. I hope that the impact this election has had on our country will create some type of motivation for the younger population of the Unites States to have a voice. So, let’s stop being stubborn and utilize one of the many rights we are lucky enough to have as Americans. Here are a few reasons why the 15 minutes you take to vote will be worth your time.

  1. The results of the election may not affect us now, but it will in the next four years.

    Some of the topics being discussed will affect our lives after college, and possibly even before we graduate. The issue of student debt has been an ongoing topic in this election, as well as the expansion of the job market. How would Clinton’s debt-free plan affect us, opposed to Trump’s negotiation plan? Which candidate will expand the job market and increase the chance of college students getting jobs when we graduate? For the first time in our lives, the issues being debated affect us.

  2. Every vote counts.

    USA Today did a segment this week about the importance of millennial voters, saying that they represent 69.2 million voters (approximately 20%). This is more than enough to sway a vote in either direction, given that a higher percentage of young people vote. The percentage of young voters grows each year, but is still low for what it should be.

  3. It is one of our rights as a citizen of the United States.

    Part of living in the United States and being a part of a democracy is having the opportunity to choose who will represent us. Not every country has this privilege. We should feel blessed to have this opportunity. Young women would not have even had the option 100 years ago. Vote for the people who were unable to then, and are unable to now in different countries. It is one perk of being an American. 

The situation we are in may not be ideal, but it will determine a lot in the next four years. So, tell all your friends who are planning to move to Canada before January 1st not to pack their bags quite yet. Read about the candidates online or watch one of the debates to get a good feel for who would best represent you and your beliefs. It is time to take on the responsibility we have been given and vote on November 8th.



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