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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

I am a very very busy person and often struggle to find constructive ways to de-stress after a long day, BUTTTTT after talking to multiple people I decided to try paint by numbers.


I had COVID at the end of February and afterwards I found myself really struggling with some serious mental health issues. One day I was talking with my therapist and she suggested that I try paint by numbers. She said that it helps the brain focus on something else that is time consuming and not too easy, and that this allows the brain to reregulate. So, after talking to a few other people about the idea, I got on amazon and found what painting I was going to start with! To start, I choose an intricate mountain scene and almost immediately I fell in love with the process and the precision that was required. I stayed up the first night for way longer than I had meant to and when I went to bed, I felt calm and at peace. This was a feeling I had not felt in weeks.

woman looking at the trees in front of the sun
Photo by Leon Biss from Unsplash


Shortly after I started my first project, it was my birthday and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than with friends painting. Which meant my friends and I got in my car and drove to the local Hobby Lobby to go pick some out. When I picked this project, I was looking for something a little more challenging, well I guess I did a good job picking. This painting is more detailed and complicated and really requires a lot of attention. My friends and I painted for every bit of two hours on my birthday before we all decided to call it a night, but I think after that night I got my friend hooked on paint by numbers too!


While neither project is finished, I know that when I need a break from homework or my mind, I have something very productive to work on. I have no doubt that when these are finished, they will look amazing and that I will feel proud of what I have created. While I am not very crafty or artsy this does give me a creative outlet and I think that it is really helping my mental health. So if you’re looking for something new to try, I strongly suggest picking up a paint by numbers!

Major~Biology and Psychology Dream job~Occupational therapist with kiddos College athlete Music,Dog,Book and Food Lover Fun Fact~I LOVE hiking and anything involving nature!!
Her Campus at SAU