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Estee Lauder\'s Nutritious 2 in 1 Foam Cleanser and Melting Soft Creme/Mask
Estee Lauder\'s Nutritious 2 in 1 Foam Cleanser and Melting Soft Creme/Mask
Original photo by Alexandra Flodman
Style > Beauty

Here’s How To Prioritize Your Skin Before Finals at SAU

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Presented by Her Campus x Estée Lauder

Prioritizing our mental health as we get closer to finals should be a daily goal – but sometimes, it gets forgotten in our busy schedules. However, by taking care of yourself and your skin, you can feel as good as you look – and test even better! 

In order to prioritize and take care of your skin, you need to make sure you have the best products. My personal faves are the products in the new Nutritious collection from Estée Lauder, which includes the 2-in-1 Foam Cleanser and the Melting Soft Créme/Mask. 

Learn more about these amazing products below, check out the benefits of them, and see how you can use them to prioritize your skin before finals!

2-in-1 Foam Cleanser

This product is nutrient-rich and it removes excess oils from your skin while minimizing the skin of your pores, making it harder for finals-related stress zits to pop up! I personally have sensitive skin so I’m always careful about trying new products and like to know what they are made with. 

After using the 2-in-1 Foam Cleanser for the first time, I was happy when I noticed almost no irritation at all! I recommend using it in the morning when you first wake up to give your face a fresh and radiant look so you could start your day off on a great foot and ace those finals without worrying about your skin afterward!

Nutritious Melting Soft Créme/Mask

This product calms and hydrates the skin while strengthening the skin barrier. I like to use it in the morning directly after the 2-in-1 Foam Cleanser to really make sure I’m taking care of my skin before heading to back-to-back exams! 

After applying it – and after extended use of it – you can expect your skin’s texture to look more refined, and for your skin to be less oily. In the weeks leading up to finals, I actually used the mask and noticed an improvement in my skin!

So as you can see, these products help to reduce pores and oily skin and are the perfect solution to prioritizing your skin before finals – especially because they work with almost any skin type (even sensitive skin like mine!) and soothes it. They’re made without animal-derived ingredients and have no fragrances, synthetic colors, sulfates, or drying alcohol.

So, what are you waiting for?! Go pick these products up before finals start so you can take care of your skin easily in between exams and study sessions. Good luck!

This is a sponsored article. All opinions are 100% our own. 

Veronica A(V) is the Campus Correspondent at HC @ SAU. She oversees the entire chapter including editorial, events, social media, etc. Beyond HC, V is involved on campus. She is the President of DAPi. She is the Social Media Director for SAAT, and a Sexual Assault Advocate. Veronica is majoring in Early Childhood Education with an endorsement in Special Education and a minor in Music. She is currently student teaching!!! In her freetime, V plays the flute and other instruments and can sing. She used to play and coach softball. Veronica was born in Florida but now lives in Illinois. She also has 2 cats at home. She was the D.E.I. Ambassador for 2 years.