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5 Thoughts to Keep Your Motivation Going Strong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

It’s Friday and officially the last day of Hell Week. As you’ve slaved away to finish 3 term papers, 2 group projects, and a few half-assed portfolios, you’re probably burned out just like me. We’ve shed blood, sweat, and tears to make it through this week and now finals is just around the weekend. We can’t stop now, as much as we want to give up, fall into a fetal position, and eat loads of carbs, we can do this. YOU can do this! To keep your motivation up, here are five thoughts to keep you going.


Paying for college is no joke and you’ve spent too much money on your education at Ambrose. You basically paid to do this to yourself, so don’t let your precious dollars to go waste by giving up now!


2. You’ve made this far, what’s one more week?

I know you feel like death and giving up sounds really good just about now, but you’ve only got one more week left. (Honestly, four days, but who’s counting?) After that, it’ll all be over! Chin up, bee. 


3. If the slacker who sits kitty-corner from you hasn’t dropped out yet, then that’s not an option for you either.

We all know someone that slacks hardcore, and we continue to question how they are still here. But they are, so your bomb work ethic can get you through this. I promise. 


4. You don’t want to go home as a failure…

Don’t let finals get the best of you. Dropping the ball now doesn’t sound to good when you’ve got to face your family at the end of the week, huh? 


5. You’re not alone, my frazzled friend.

Take a look around. We’re all falling apart, too. Grab your frazzled friends and support each other in this awful time. Together, we can make it through this.


Yeah, it’s finals. Yeah, you’re tired. But you are awesome. You got this. You are a fighting bee. Finish finals like one!


All GIFs courtesy of Giphy

Her Campus at SAU