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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

The Mobile Azalea Trail Maids is a Southern Tradiation that has been around since the 1920’s and is based in Mobile, Al. The Trail Maids are a group of diverse, talented and hardworking young ladies who are picked to be an ambassador for the city. But to become one takes a lot of hardwork and dedication.

Each year a new court of 50 girls are picked to be that year’s Azalea Trail Maids. With only 50 accepted and over 100+ girls trying out, it is extremely competitive. There is a dual interview process with an interview at school and with the County. You need to know Mobile City like the back of your hand and make sure you have good grades with a 3.0 GPA and what they call “Southern Hospitality”. 

Once the court of 50 is selected they are to attend over 250 community events in the city, be hands-on volunteers and engage with their community to build a stronger bond. They go to a mix of National and State events all over AL and it is consistent throughout their whole year as Azalea Trail Maid. In the past they have been at events such as the inauguration of United States President Barack Obama.

The dresses cost anywhere from $3,500-6,000 dollars and come in blue, green, yellow, peach, lavender and pink. The 5 main colors represent springtime in which the Azalea Flowers begin to bloom! With only the Queen of the court wearing the color pink, these dresses are one of the most notable things about the Azalea Trail Maids. Each dress is covered with ruffles, a ruffled sun hat and a ruffle umbrella. You are able to customize the ruffles on the dress to make it unique to you and you wear these outfits to each event. 

They are the Southern Bells, dedicated hard workers who shine bright to bring the community together and it is something every little girl in Mobile dreams of becoming.

Alyssa Escalera

San Francisco '24

Hi everyone! My name is Alyssa Escalera and I am from Los Angeles, California. I'm majoring in Communications with a concentration on Media & Sustainability at San Francisco State. I'm passionate about different subjects such as Social Justice, Environmentalism, Women's Reproductive Health and Journalism. Some of my hobbies include hiking, running, surfing and art. My socials !! @lyssxrey on tiktok