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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Midterm Tips

We’ve somehow reached the middle of the semester and midterms have bestowed upon us. In the midst of all the midterm madness, it’s difficult not to feel overwhelmed by all the pressure. But in order to alleviate some of the stress you must pause for a second, and just breathe.



There’s no greater distraction than having a worried and anxious mind. Take a small study break and meditate. Meditation can bring several physical and mental benefits that will place you in a relaxed state of mind and increase your focus. Listening to calming music while you study can also help with relaxation and promote cognitive performance.

Eat and Drink Healthy

Here comes the late night snacking and stress binge eating! But put down the cookies. You know that saying, “You are what you eat?” yeah well, we want BRAINS. Research shows that the food you consume affects your ability to retain information and perform tasks. Some nutritious snacks that will surely give you some brain power include blueberries, dark chocolate, whole grains, nuts, and veggies.

Supplement your body with vitamins and get the nourishment that your body needs. Vitamins B, C, E, beta-carotene, and magnesium are all proven to boost your health and impact your brain strength. While pumping your veins with caffeine seems like the only option to staying awake, it might be doing you more harm than good. The overconsumption of caffeine can actually induce anxiety, so limit your intake. Instead, keep hydrated with lots of water!


Things can get hectic during the weeks of midterms and while you might be too busy to incorporate a full-on gym sesh into your schedule, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to implement a 15-30 minute workout into your day. Exercise does the mind and body good will provide you with instant benefits by releasing endorphins and making you happier, more motivated, energized and alert.

Manage your time

Do. Not. Procrastinate. Yeah we know, every college student does it, but refrain from doing so as much as possible. Waiting until the last minute to study and cram loads of information into your head will cause some serious stress and possible mental breakdowns. Arrange your study sessions and write down your assignments. Staying consistent and having a plan can keep you on track and focused.


Ok so this one sounds impossible. But it’s so important! Sleep deprivation can cause a lot of serious side effects that can damage your health. Even if you can’t get your full 8 hours of sleep, it’s important have at least 5 or 6. Sleep is what energizes your body and allows your brain to rest, so even small naps throughout the day will help.

Keep positive :)

Most importantly, keep positive. Keep focused. Midterms can surely cause a lot of self-reflecting moments in bathroom stalls (or maybe that’s just me) and have you feeling like maybe it’s not too late to drop out and flee the country. But, you’re not alone. Everyone around you is freaking out, but there’s no need. This all temporary and the time will pass. Remember, you’re strong and nothing can break you!

My name is Celeste and I’m a Journalism Major at SF State.I like dark chocolate, red wine and the color blue.I have a passion for beautiful words and pictures that tell a story and speak to my soul. Some of my interests include, reading, writing, baking, going to coffee shops, watching movies and discovering new music.