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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

In developed, rich countries we take our education for granted. Sure, we all know that a college degree has the potential to unlock many opportunities, but how many of us ditch class or complain about the class work? Our society expects an education from everyone, and thus we have the luxury to see education as a choice.

But what about other countries, where education turns into privilege, but not a right? Where families choose to educate only their boys, if at all? 

What happens when you bring together organizations aiming to educate girls and a tech company that wants to connect, enrich, and touch people’s lives through technology? 

You get Girl Rising.

Girl Rising does not fit into the documentary format, nor does it fit in the fiction category. Instead, Girl Rising tells nine girl’s stories in their struggle for education. Each girl channels her voice through a great woman writer in her country, and with exception to a couple girls who would have faced too much danger, gets to show her story. This film collaborates with strong girls, celebrated actresses, and great women writers to tell how education can grow into a catalyst for  change. 

The stories show how education empowers the nine girls. The stories move you not out of pity, but because you can see the girls’ desires and hardships, and the steps they take to take ownership of their lives and to help others. Holly Gordon, 10×10’s executive director, admits “I wonder if I can be as strong and as brave as these girls.”

Studies show that an educated woman gives back more to her community than an educated man. Investing in a girl’s education leads to investing in the community. So how do you end global poverty? By starting with educating girls so that they can can support their community and help it rise out of poverty. As Intel’s vice president and chief marketing officer Deborah Conrad says, “nothing is more powerful than education.”

Want to attend a film screening? Go to http://girlrising.com/see-the-film/?id10x10=EC29DC6E09675CE3 to find a location nearest you!