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Falling behind in your classes? You might have Senioritis!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

          Are you a college senior who has been feeling indifferent towards your studies lately? Do you feel less motivated to stay focused on your tasks? Is walking the stage no longer inspiring you? Well, it sounds like you might be coming down with a serious case of Senioritis! [Apply freak-out here.] Yes folks, it is serious and students on college campuses all over our nation are catching it. So,what exactly is “Senioritis” you might ask? It basically is a phase that a lot of seniors go through before graduation. Most may experience general symptoms such as laziness, procrastination, underperforming in classes, and loss of motivation. When all of these symptoms hit you, it is a definite recipe for disaster. Some students are able to stay unaffected by Senioritis, but others aren’t as lucky. I managed to have a one-on-one with SFSU student Vanessa Nevarez, a Senioritis-positive student who shared her experience with me about dealing with her final year:

  •  How did you feel coming into your last year (nervous, anxious, excited, sad, etc.)?

        – I feel anxious, excited, and not sad, but nostalgic. You know this is it, no more high school, or undergrad classes. I am done! I am very excited because I can finally get a REAL job, but that is what makes me anxious. I feel anxious to actually find one. I am trying to be positive and think it will not take me too long to find one.

  •  Are you feeling the symptoms of being infected with Senioritis?

        – Yes. I don’t like to admit it, but I am.

  •  Do you know or have known any fellow classmates that are dealing with this disease? Have you or are you witnessing the outcomes? If so, what problems are they struggling with?

         – Yes, I have classmates with Senioritis. Well, right now the consequences are basically doing projects or studying at the last minute. We don’t know grades yet, but I think rushing around trying to do homework is a problem when you could have taken more time to do it.

  •  How do you deal with them if they are your friends? Do you try to motivate them? Or do you steer clear so you don’t lose your mojo?

        – I think our Senioritis feeds off of each other. So when they are procrastinating or feeling lazy, then I feel unmotivated to do work. It’s pretty bad. In that case, I try to stay away from them.

  •  Do you or have you ever felt tempted to just give in and just embrace Senioritis? If not, how have you battled the symptoms?

        – I don’t know how to avoid it except for pushing myself all the time.

  •  How important is it to prepare beforehand and apply for internships for your year?

        – It’s very important to apply for internships in general. If I had more free time, I would have done this my junior year instead of my senior year.

  •  What is your strategy on completing your tasks?

        – I think my strategy is just pushing myself, first. I push myself to get out of that sluggish procrastinating mentality. Then, I put away my phone and laptop, and if I am working on a written assignment, I do it the good old fashioned way. I start to write on paper. I brainstorm, or maybe even doodle on the paper so I can start to get in the mode of homework doing.

  • What advice would you give to those who are presently struggling or might potentially struggle with Senioritis?

         – Keep a planner and pre-write all deadlines for projects and/or homework assignments due on the first day of class. Any assignment you can do in advance, like reading journals or essays, DO IT. I would just keep reminding myself the end is almost near, which also means don’t dread the last couple of months you have left of your undergrad, but ENJOY them. Once you’re done, there’s no coming back.


Keeping up vs. Catching up

          As you can see, it is EXTREMELY important to keep up with your classes instead of catching up. Once you find yourself trying to keep up to par with the rest of your classmates, motivation starts declining. If you have already fallen victim to this horrible epidemic, not to worry. Focus on getting back on the ball, and don’t slack off!  Getting things done beforehand (like Vanessa advised) takes a load of stress off of your shoulders, making it easier for you to stay on that ball. Keep in mind that there are consequences to not dealing with Senioritis. It is important to be aware of it’s presence and that it can also be contagious, so keep this danger at bay.  If not treated, you can definitely hinder your chances of graduating on time, or even worse… it can lead to dropping out! Finally, remember that there was a reason why you got into college and have made it to this point… Perseverance! So don’t let Senioritis take away your mojo!

My name is Cynthia Obregon De Anda, and I am a student at San Francisco State University. I am majoring in Broadcasting and Electronics Communications, and am aspiring to be a news anchor and music video director. I have a passion for getting to know people and listening their stories, which inpires me to tell my stories!