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A Torero Tradition – The Alcala Bazaar

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

Every year, USD students come together to showcase all of the unique talents and interests present on campus. This event, the Alcala Bazaar, is a great way to become acclimated to campus activities, discover a new hobby, or meet some new people. Here are some of the reasons why you should make sure you are at the Alcala Bazaar.


1. Try Something New!

If you’ve always wanted to play a sport, host a radio show, or anchor on a news station, these are only a few of the options available to you. Club sports are a great way to enjoy the fun of the game without the pressure of competition. Other unique organizations, such as the USD Radio and USDtv are fun ways to get involved in a way that you never knew you could.


2. Explore Your Passions

Connect with students that have similar interests to you, whether it’s an organization that will help you network for your major, or simply a passion that you have. With the number of student organizations and clubs, you are bound to find a group of students with alike views to your own.

3. Experience Culture

There are several organizations established to celebrate all of our different backgrounds and cultures. Alcala Bazaar will give you the opportunity to be a part of a community and participate in fun, cultural events.

4. Get a Preview of Greek Life

If you’re interested in going through recruitment in the winter, it is always a good idea to interact with the different organizations and become familiar with their values. Also, it always helps to recognize a few familiar faces once recruitment begins.

5. Challenge Yourself

The Alcala Bazaar is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself to do something that perhaps you’ve been hesitant to try. If you’ve always wanted to explore San Diego but weren’t sure where to start, Outdoor Adventures is a great place to start. If you love writing but have never had the opportunity to publish it, the USD Vista Newspaper is an awesome organization to get involved in. These are just a few examples of the opportunities that will be present at the Alcala Bazaar.

6. Free Food

If you’re still hesitant about spending your dead hours at the Alcala Bazaar, even after reading about all these reasons why you should go, there will be free food. And who doesn’t love free food?  

I feel as though my best attributes are my coffee addiction, my obsession with pastels, but most importantly, my love of puppies. I also adore going to the beach, hugging people, and laughing at my own jokes. You can follow my adventures over at my Instagram @lauren.__xo .