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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.

Recently, I’ve been going through a bit of a tough time. Between balancing a ton of school work, navigating friendships, staying fit as well as my involvement in extra-curricular activities, finding some “me time” has been slim to none. However, I’ve recently come up with a few things that helped me. Hopefully, a few of these tips and tricks will help you too! Enjoy!


1. Do what you love:

I know, this maybe a little cliché, and played up, but carving out some time to just do what you love whether that means, drawing, writing, volunteering, working out, hanging with friends or even catching up on your favorite book is extremely important.

Often times, the majority of what we do has little to do with what or who we love, so remember to make time for the things you really care about.


2. It’s okay to say “No”:

Our schedule often gets crowed with promises we’ve made to friends, family or even clubs or sororities in which we may be involved in. However, if these responsibilities are wearing your patience thin, then it may be time to have a conversation.

Besides, how will there ever be “me time” if you’re always chasing someone or something else. So, try not to stretch yourself too thin.


3. Treat Yourself:

Whether it’s an impromptu shopping trip, a spa visit, or a coffee stop, treating yourself is a part of self-love. Besides, you worked hard enough so play hard!


4. Say No to Negativity:

Walking away from toxic things and relationships is necessary. Crowding your mind with gossip, and negativity leaves no space for growth. That’s why it’s important to watch what we are feeding our minds daily.

Also, it’s good to surround yourself with people who are constantly sending good vibes your way.


Lastly, I wish you all the best of luck on your quest to self-love!


I'm Kyra Wilkins who is a freshmen majoring in communications and an aspiring journalist. I am able to explore my creative side through writing. I am excited to be able to be a voice for others.
Nadia Williams is a senior studying Political Science, Communications and French at Salisbury University. She enjoys writing about policy, media and culture. She hopes to use journalism as a tool to empower others to play an active role in their communities.