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Safe Sex: Why We Should Be Protecting Ourselves Now More Than Ever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.

It is reported that one in four college students have a sexually transmitted disease. Most seem to live with the mindset that they could never be the one to contract an STD.  Unfortunately, this belief can be a serious downfall. Largely due to poor sex health education and an unwillingness to use condoms, more and more young people are living with an infection. A quick google search revealed hundreds of alarming statistics.

  1. 65 million Americans are living with an STD
  2. Half of all yearly STI occurrences can be found in young people aged 15-24
  3. The most common STD on college campuses is Human Papillomavirus(HPV). HPV is an incurable disease that causes genital warts and even cervical cancer if left untreated.
  4.  Chlamydia is the second most common and yields the same effects as HPV. However, it can be treated with antibiotics.
  5. Genital herpes, specifically HSV-2, is the third most contracted STD on campuses. One in five students are infected by this incurable disease that can lead to blisters and redness
  6. More than 3.7 billion people are infected with HSV-1, marked by blisters around the mouth and face
  7. 80% of people show no physical symptoms of an STD, making it unlikely that they’ll seek testing
  8. Up to 90% of people with Herpes Simplex 2 are undiagnosed, meaning they are unknowingly spreading the virus
  9. Only half of sexually active college students are using condoms
  10. One in seven people with HIV are undiagnosed

Sexually active individuals should be getting tested at least yearly, more often if you are having unprotected sex with multiple partners. Fortunately, most college campuses offer STD and STI testing for a discounted price so make sure you are taking advantage of these recourses. Sex with condoms may not be as arousing, but it’s much better than finding painful blisters on your body. Remember to WRAP IT UP.

Anjelique Wilson is a senior at Salisbury University, majoring in Communication arts. She loves musical theater and hopes to obtain a career in the arts. You'll often catch her singing along to musicals and watching her favorite youtubers. She joined her campus to be involved with a platform that allows her to freely express herself