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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.


As you’ve probably have heard, America’s new boy crush and movie star Michael B. Jordan has graced the screen once again as the star of the highly anticipated film Creed II, which debuted on Thanksgiving Day. Here’s what we know so far…


  • Discipline is Key:

As we all know, working out in general can be a drag, let alone training for a screen role. However, Michael B. Jordan is a different breed. In fact, he believes that the pressure of becoming his character is what motivated him to be in tip top shape. In fact, he put on 20 pounds of muscle with the help of a stricter diet and rigorous workout routine.


  • A Chance of a Lifetime:

Long-time Rocky movie lover Michael B. Jordan says it’s even insane thinking about the fact that he will be a part of cinema history and leave a legacy.


  • Evolution of Characters:

While on Good Morning America, Michael B. Jordan revealed that Creed II allowed for character development. “We just wanted to build on the characters and the relationships and the story that we created in the first movie,” Jordan said.


  • Future of Adonis and Bianca:

During Jordan’s interview on Good Morning America, a clip from the movie showed Adonis proposing to a near deaf Bianca. However, she can’t hear and shuts the door instead, leaving audiences wondering what’s next.


  • Nicely Shot:

The Creed II photographer revealed during his recent Fox 5 DC interview that all-of the fight scenes between Adonis and his opponent are shot linearly and before the drama scenes so that the actors could learn the choreography.

Last but certainly not least, make sure to check it out Creed II and tell us what you think below.

I'm Kyra Wilkins who is a freshmen majoring in communications and an aspiring journalist. I am able to explore my creative side through writing. I am excited to be able to be a voice for others.
Nadia Williams is a senior studying Political Science, Communications and French at Salisbury University. She enjoys writing about policy, media and culture. She hopes to use journalism as a tool to empower others to play an active role in their communities.